
First Filipino Freethinkers Forum

This date, February 28 2009, I will always remember it as one of the days I enjoyed so much.

I would like to congratulate everyone who made this event possible. To the sponsors, organizers, the guest speakers and all the new faces that I have never seen in the first meet up held about a month ago. I really learned a lot from the forum, and I think its a good start.

As what one of the speakers said, it had been a “kid in a candy store” moment for me too. There are so many things in my head that I would like to have someone explain to me, share with me and I found out that there are others like me too.

I can’t wait till the next FFF it may lose the First F but what the heck, there’s a first for everything and when there’s a first there should be a second, a third, so on.

I’ll post some pics grabbed from other people’s camera as I have not taken any with me. :D


Danny Boy, FCD said...

Yay for us! :-D

rmacapobre said...

the second ffff meet was even more fascinating. i can't wait for the third ^_^